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EMAC 2023 Annual

Factors influencing the intention to use a matching donation platform

Published: May 24, 2023


Philip Sander, University of Hamburg; Julia Zabel, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg


Fundraising is an important source of income for many non-profit organizations (NPOs). In particular, online donation platforms have become increasingly established over the last two decades. While there is a substantial amount of research on crowdfunding platforms, there is no literature on matching donation platforms that we are aware of. For the first time this paper investigates empirically factors influencing the intention to use a matching donation platform based on Davis' et al. (1989) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). We extend the TAM by the factors trust and donation processing and consider the perspective both of a donor and of a NPO doing fundraising. The data includes an online survey of 458 donors and 112 NPOs in Germany. Our study shows that all factors including trust and donation processing within the extended TAM have a significant impact on the intention to use a matching donation platform, with attitude towards the platform as the most influential factor.